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AK Rules and Policies

Please read this form carefully and be aware that utilizing the Applewood Knolls Swimming Club (hereafter referred to as the “the Club”) swimming pool and its amenities (hereafter referred to as the “Pool amenities”), you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you, your family members, and your guests might sustain as a result of utilizing the Pool amenities.

Please pay particular attention to the following membership policies:
1. If you have not paid your annual membership by your invoice due date your membership renewal will no longer be guaranteed and can be given to someone on the waitlist;

2. There is a zero-tolerance policy for members who bring non-members to the pool; if you bring a non-member your membership will be immediately revoked with no refund;

3. There is a zero-tolerance policy for members who add individuals to their membership who do not meet the criteria outlined in the AK bylaws… if you are caught your membership will be immediately revoked with no refund;

“Family membership is a membership entitling two adults and their dependent children, under the age of 26, who are residing in the same household to Club privileges;”

4. Disrespect to and/or verbal abuse of the lifeguards or staff will result in an automatic termination of membership with no refund;

5. Our nanny/babysitter policy will be as follows:

“A family may add one nanny/babysitter to their membership;

Nanny may accompany the dependent children to the pool only when parents are not available;
Nanny may not accompany the family when parents are available;”

6. Entrance into the Facility will be denied if you have not updated your member page on the website. This includes pictures of all adult members and dependent children along with ages of dependent children;

7. Under no circumstances is any Member to enter the guard shack; this will result in an immediate suspension of your membership; reinstatement will be determined by the board of directors at the next scheduled meeting;

I agree to familiarize myself, my family, or my guests with the rules of the Club Swimming Pool, and agree to abide by them. I understand that the Club, the Club board members, the pool management, and life guards retain the rights to suspend or expel members from use of the pool and its amenities for failure to comply with the pool rules and bylaws.

The Club, the Club board members, the pool management, and life guards are not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage of any kind sustained by any person while utilizing the swimming pool and pool amenities, including injury, loss or damage which might be caused by the negligence of the Club.

I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain dangers and risks of physical injury while swimming.
I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages, or loss, regardless of severity, that I, my family or my guests may sustain as a result of using the Pool amenities. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims I, my family and my guests may have as a result of using the Pool amenities against the Club, the Club board members, the pool management, and life guards.

During certain times, the swimming pool will be posted “swim at your own risk”. This means that there will be no lifeguard on duty. As a member of Club, I, my family members, and guests understand and accept that no lifeguard will be available during these posted times of pool operation.
1. No pool member or guest under the age of 16 may swim at times posted “swim at your own risk” unless accompanied and supervised by a parent, legal guardian or adult authorized by such parent or legal guardian.

In return for the Club allowing me to voluntarily utilize its Pool amenities, I agree:
1. TO ASSUME AND ACCEPT ALL RISKS arising out of, associated with or related to my use of the Pool amenities, even though such risks may have been caused by the Association;
2. TO BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE which I, my family, or my guests may sustain while using the Pool amenities, even though such injury, loss or damage may have been caused by the negligence of the Association;
3. TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the Club, Club board members, the pool management, and life guards from any and all claims, demands, actions and costs which might arise out of my use of the Pool amenities, even though such claims, demands, actions, and costs may have been caused by the negligence of the Association.
I understand and agree that this Agreement will have the effect of releasing, discharging, waiving, and forever relinquishing any and all actions or causes of action that I may have or have had, whether past, present or future, whether known or unknown, and whether anticipated or unanticipated by me, arising out of my use of the Pool amenities. This Release constitutes a complete release, discharge and waiver of any and all actions or causes of action against the Club, the Club board members, pool management, or life guards.
I understand and agree that this Agreement applies to personal injury, or wrongful death which I, my family members, or my guests may suffer, even if it is caused by the negligent acts or omissions of others.
I understand and agree that by signing this Agreement, I am assuming full responsibility for any and all risk of death or personal injury on me, my family members or my guests while utilizing the Pool amenities.

I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT. It is binding upon me as well as upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives, in the event of my death or incapacity.
I have read and voluntarily sign this release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement, on behalf of myself and any representatives, heirs and next of kin.
I understand and agree that this Agreement will be binding on me, my family members, my personal representatives, my assigns, and any guardian for family children.
I understand and agree that by signing this Agreement, I am agreeing to release, indemnify and hold the Association harmless from any and all liability or costs, including attorneys’ fees, associated with or arising from my use of the Pool amenities.

The purchaser does hereby agree to indemnify the Club. and agrees to defend and hold the Club harmless from and against and to pay promptly on demand any and all claims, actions, loses, damages, disbursements, expenses (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and court costs) and other liabilities resulting from, relating to, or occasioned by the admission of alcoholic beverages and their containers to the swimming pool members and/or their guests

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